IEEE Middle East Conference on Communications and Networking
17–20 November 2024 // Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates

Call for Workshops

CALL FOR WORKSHOPS (Download Flyer here)


IEEE MECOM 2024 is delighted to invite workshop proposals on new and emerging topics within the scope of Communications and Networking. We are seeking workshop proposals for a half-day session (3 hours).

The workshops will be held in person and may include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, and/or panels to foster active discussions among attendees through a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, and/or panels. The workshops are intended to offer a platform for rapid publication on emerging topics. As a result, workshop proposers should be ready to meet concise review timelines.

To facilitate a clear and concise submission process, we request that all proposals be submitted in English, with a maximum length of five (5) pages and a minimum font size of 12-point. The proposal should encompass the following essential information.

  • Title of the workshop
  • Names, affiliation, and a short biography (up to 200 words) of the organizers
  • Length of the workshop: half-day
  • Planned format of the workshop: expected number of papers, keynotes, panels, etc.
  • Names of potential participants
  • Program committee members
  • Invited speakers (already confirmed?)
  • A description of the publicity and promotion plan
  • A draft call for papers
  • If appropriate, a brief description of past versions of the workshop, including the number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, and similarities and differences with the current proposal.



Please submit your proposals as a single PDF file (maximum 5 pages) to the IEEE MECOM 2024 Workshop Co-Chairs.; and



Workshop Proposal Submission Deadline: 3 June 2024     17 June 2024

Workshop Proposal Acceptance Notification: 1 July 2024
